Monday, December 13, 2010

Do Something New

This week's topic is one that we all can probably relate to. Sometimes we just get in a rut. We do the same things over and over and eventually, it becomes routine and boring. I know I experience this when it comes to making dinner, playing with the kids, taking care of the house and yes, even sex.

So this week, I think we should all try to do something we've never done before when it comes to romance. For some of us, that means we finally throw out the granny panties once and for all (come on, you know you're still holding onto them!). For others, that means we pull out all the stops and do something that will have our men smiling for a long time.

Here are a few ideas I came up with, but feel free to add your own in the comments section:
  • Send a suggestive text message to your spouse, telling him that you can't wait for him to get home, being as graphic as necessary. (Girls, I tried this one, and after waiting hours for Big A to text me back, he called me and said, "Don't we get charged $.20 per text?") I think he missed the point.
  • Send a picture message, showing as much or as little as you're comfortable with, asking him to play name-that-body part. (I think picture messages cost us a whole $.50 each, so I won't be doing this. Sheesh.)
(Isn't it crazy what we can do with cell phones these days?)
  • Break out the sundae toppings for dessert. Be the dessert.
  • Wear sexy lingerie on a TUESDAY. (Can you even imagine? Lingerie on a weekday? What is the world coming to?)
  • Be the aggressor and initiate sex when your hubby leasts expects it. (In the morning? At noon?) Put on a cartoon for the little ones if you have to.
  • Visit the website and peruse their resources section for intimate games and other "stuff" designed for married couples. (You'll either love it or hate it, I'm warning you.)
  • If you have the chance to get out for a date this week, find a discreet place to park for a quick make-out session.
I'll stop there, but I think you get the picture. Be spontaneous, be brave and have fun! If something doesn't work out, don't give up. Just try something else. Sex is God's gift to married couples so we should enjoy it!

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