Monday, December 13, 2010

Put These on Your Grocery List

Here's a list of 10 foods that are considered to be aphrodisiacal. In other words, eating them may aid in sexual arousal. Consume at your own risk.
1. Asparagus. This appeared on every single list I perused this week. Besides the fact that folks back in the day found its shape to be sexually suggestive, asparagus packs a lot of vitamin E, which is considered vital to stimulating sex hormone production. 
2. Chocolate. This is another food that popped up all over my searches. Chocolate contains both a sedative which relaxes AND a stimulant which causes excitement. Basically, it's the world's perfect food. But we already knew that, right ladies?
3. Oysters. This food is rich in zinc, which is essential for the production of testosterone, which in case you didn't know, isn't just a male hormone, but a female hormone as well. They're also a considered to be a source of dopamine, which is believed to release chemicals that allow us to feel pleasure. However, I'll take chocolate over slimy oysters any day, thankyouverymuch.
4. Radishes. Folks back in the day also felt that radishes increased arousal because of their spicy taste.
5. Chili Pepper. See radishes. Chilis contain capsaicin which raises the heartrate and may give you that natural high feeling thus heightening arousal.
6. Almonds. Jam-packed with protein and vitamins and minerals, almonds give you energy and strength, two things you need for a night to remember. It's also been said that Samson used almond branches to woo Delilah (I didn't find this in my Bible, but it may have been mentioned in an earlier translastion?). Just the scent of almonds is said to produce a calming effect on women, so using almond-scented soap or lotion before lovemaking  may heighten the experience.
7. Banana. Get your minds out of the gutter! There's more to a banana than just its look. Bananas are rich in B vitmamins and potassium, both of which are crucial for the production of sex hormones.
8. Pumpkin pie and buttered popcorn. Just the aromas from these foods can trigger arousal in both men and women. 
9. Cucumbers. Again, in addition to its obvious physical traits, the cucumber has a scent that has been known to increase blood flow to the vagina. 
10. Licorice. Specifically black licorice. The smell of this candy is said to increase blood flow to the penis. Now, if you can create a recipe that includes both cucumbers AND black licorice, I'd say you're in for a wild night.
I searched high and low and unfortunately, there's no evidence that Dr. Pepper or Cool Ranch Doritos should be on this list. I tried.
Happy Shopping!

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